So encredbly bored.

Mar 21, 2007 16:03

So went shopping yesterday.
it was great.
ordered in the new harry potter book to be released in july.
worked 6-12 this morning. extra foods. dq tommorrow. Looks like i have another chance at being assistent supervisor, one of the super visors told me i did somthing that really made bob happy and if i tried really really hard i could get super viser, and she said she wanted to see me get it this time. it made me feel real special. I adore some of the girls there.
So i'm kinda dressed in my black boots with the roses going up the sides, my sisters jeans (which amazingly fit me because she looks like a bloody stick, makes me feel amazingly thin), wearing a two new shirts, a red tube top, that's way too long (but is currently one of the hottest trends apprentlty) But i like it. And a black top that is incredbly soft, with my fake fured cute little vest i adore so much. with nothing but my key makeup tools, Lip gloss and mascra on.
and no place to go.
it almost makes me wish i was legal.
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