free market

Dec 02, 2020 21:21

Внезапно узнал, что Адам Смит, тот, который придумал невидимую руку рынка, понимал свободу рынка несколько иначе, чем современные либертарианцы (выделение моё):Limited Government

Smith saw the responsibilities of the government as being limited to the defense of the nation, universal education, public works (infrastructure such as roads and bridges), the enforcement of legal rights (property rights and contracts), and the punishment of crime.

The government would step in when people acted on their short-term interests and would make and enforce laws against robbery, fraud, and other similar crimes. He cautioned against larger, bureaucratic governments, writing, "there is no art which one government sooner learns of another, than that of draining money from the pockets of the people."

His focus on universal education was to counteract the negative and dulling effects of the division of labor that was a necessary part of industrialization.
Впрочем, если я правильно понимаю, либертарианцы ассоциируют себя с более поздним учением, сформулированным Мизесом и Ротбартом. Наверное, исходя из него, Смита можно назвать социалистом.. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.


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