Jun 27, 2004 03:10
I feel like I am sweating sugar. This buzzing, granulated awareness that makes the room blur when I turn my head too fast. When I stop typing my hands shake and Christ I remember why I stopped eating that shit.
I'm going to write about her soon, the one my leading man kissed. She is very vain and very self-involved and I know that she's going to pick him up off the street. He's going to be playing his guitar on the corner and she'll think he's rootless and homeless, which he is, but not in the way she wants him to be. He'll leave his guitar there but he won't care and that fact won't matter to her because she doesn't really notice him until he kisses her. She just wants a receptor for her story and her voice that isn't her wall.
They're sort of interesting. I wonder how long I'll be able to write about them before I get bored. And I wonder why I'm writing it backwards. I'll probably leap around.
Tonight was fun. I am very vain, and I keep admitting it, but it's still embarassing. I need to stop stripping for you people in this goddamn thing. I feel like I've peeled off too many layers of skin after each update.