Aug 05, 2004 19:24
bored.....: /
my sister came from oklahoma to visit!..... i was so happy : )
shes leaving monda, though, because she was here the week that we were still in el salv....
o well at least she came...... she mostly came to say goodbye to dangi.... because shes leaving soon...
went to the beach with my sisters yesturday...... it seemed like 987220872 years since we had ALL been together again and actually hung was funn though :).
i miss kel kel she comes back tomorrow..... yay....:)
were gonna party hard .... me amber and kel kel.... when she gets back .. hopefully...hehe..:)
miss laura havent seen her in a while..... : /
peace up...... peace down <----- hoto juanita aka amber..... what a nerd :) <3