Good things.

Nov 07, 2006 17:54

- I was nominated for secretary of IGC so I think I'm going to run for that.
- I'm also filling out things for National Order of Omega. While I don't have the best GPA ever, it is DEFINITELY higher than the all-Greek average, and I do have a lot of leadership roles/experience.
- I have a paperwork meeting with the HR lady at the Y tomorrow, and then hopefully I'll start working!
- I think I'm going to get started on my clinical paper...I need to.
- I moved around some of my stuff so that i can use the other 3 drawers in my desk. I will organize later.
- I want bubble tea. Lunahsea has bubble tea. They are actually open till 7 tonight. Someone come get bubble tea with me.
- I had my psych of language test today. Like last time, I don't know how I did, but I don't think I did as well as last time. Slightly less studying, and the test was slightly less congruent with the review sheet.
- It's almost dinner time but I would really just like icy juicy tea-y goodness filled with tapiocas.
- I still really want bubble tea.
- I don't really have anything else to say.
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