Something New Possibly?...

Aug 01, 2005 22:33

Wow..could last night possibly been the start of something new? and great?! who knows....hopefully things will work out =)  =)

Well only 14 days till Im officially being moved out of my house....and living in Kennesaw. I guess it'll be fun......a lot more freedom...and thats really really scary for me....maybe I can control myself =) Im really really gonna miss my sis!!! She has just been absolutely the best the past 7 months. The best friend any girl could ask for!! She's a whole 5 years younger than me and she doesnt think twice about takin up for me....or just buggin the piss out of the people I hate most. I love ya Sadie Mo!!! You've been the best! I'm gonna be completely lost without you when I move...but your gonna be comin down and stayin with me..whenever possible!!!

Ya anyway at one of the restraunts in PCB...I heard the sweetest song... Im not real sure why I like it so much...but I finally found it on Ares tonight! Thanks to my crazy aunt, Althea!!

Please come to Boston for the springtime
I'm staying here with some friends and they've got lots of room
You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk
By a cafe were I hope to be working soon

Please come to Boston
She said "No,
Baby you come home to me."

She said "Ramblin' boy, won't ya settle down?
Boston ain't your kinda town
There ain't no gold and there ain't nobody like me
I'm the number one fan of a man from Tennessee

Please come to Denver where the snow falls
We'll move up into the mountains so high that we can't be found
Through "I love you" echoes down the canyon
And we'll lie awake at night 'til they come back around

Please come to L.A., we'll live forever
The California life alone is just too hard to bear
We'll live in a house that looks out over the ocean
And we'll see stars fall from the sky, livin' up on the hill .

Im out....

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