Okay, so as to avoid Second Sock Syndrome, I cast on (not immediately, but within 12 hours) for my second sock, and yesterday morning I was on my way. Zoomed through the toe box, on through the instep, almost up to the join for the heel and I slip it on to see how it fits. Great! It fit really well and I was loving the fabric. I pulled the husband in to see how much faster this one was knitting up and I thought, something just isn't right....
In my speedy knitting, I forgot to do the pattern on the top of the foot, the terribly complicated k2p1 across the top. F***! I was not going to rip out 2ish hours of knitting, so for a second I thought I'd just leave it as is and be "odd". Then I came to my senses and realized I could just ladder down and purl them back up. Nick documented for me.
I flipped them inside out, dropped one stitch at a time down to the end of the toe box, and picked it back up to the top. Since it was inside out, the reverse of a knit is a purl! Yay!
Fixed, and look at how well they match!
and here's some gratuitous kitty love.