Gonna start doing hw more often my Mood is awesome right now. So yesterday was weird and today was rly good yesterday I coinstar-ed 17.81 but today my grams wrote me a check for 20$ I tried to politely decline but you know grandmas just don't stand for that. So Today I washed my yellow vans and blue ones. The blue ones came out great but my yellow ones may need to go through once more. And my smokers cough is disgusting right now. Like I can breathe and everything just the whole clearing mucus is pretty disgusting. Does that count as an Oxymoron? Idk. Anyways - Im just chillin. I havta wake up at 6 for my 630am class I haven't been in like a week cause I overslept last Thursday then Tuesday was a school holiday. I had a paper due and I forgot so that wasn't cool but I just put it behind me and I'm back on my GRIND now so it's good. Haha Im stILL looking for a job. Who cares though I never go hungry and I have a roof over my head so I don't need anything no rush it would just be nice to be able to buy Xmas gifts for ppl this year cause last year I was unemployed at Christmas as well. You know I don't like saying "as well" I feel like it's something ppl say to sound smart but also just sounded weird and I didn't rly feel like thinkingt to much about it cause I do this free flow ko stops rly. I mean I punctuate every now and then and capitalize but that's just habit. I wrote a rly rushed paper today on god and the simpsons. I don't expect to do to well on it though cause I didn't have a first draft or peer review and that was supposed to be turned in along with the final draft but oh well I'll take what I can get and get my shit together better next time. I realized my problem after twenty years. I'M REALlY SMART- but I just have to WORK REALLY HARD AT KEEPING MYSELF FOCUSED. but my question is: is that how it is for everyone? They have to work to stay focused? Or is it just me and I have add or something. If anyone reads these I want feedback on anything and everything. That's why I post the URL in public places. I like learning and talkingshit out.
But right now I gotta pee.
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