Just took a browse through your large number of photobucket photos. You have done some really awesome costumes! I hadn't seen the green dragon before, he was cool! I just wanted to say that you are really getting good. I have always been a fan of your paws, because they are just so cute and well done, but your heads are getting really good too! You are one talented lass!
would it be possable to make a Redpanda jacket? bit like a sleeveless hoodie just with ears on the hood ^_^ and coloured like a redpanda, or make out of fur O,o
oops forgot to ask what the price would be,(and if its possable) for a realistic-ish werewolf suit to be made by october 28th? aiming for very scary/boney/dead looking werewolf. gotta be disturbing ^_^ face wise.
Comments 5
aiming for very scary/boney/dead looking werewolf. gotta be disturbing ^_^ face wise.
they might suit the suit O,o
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