Something strange happened last night. Either that or I'm coming down with the flu. I was catching up on things with
Buffy at the Magic Box (both of us avoiding certain subjects like the plague) and all of a sudden this wave of dizziness hit me.
At first I thought it was the take out Greek food I'd had--I have no clue why I ordered it, pasticcio always gives me indigestion. Except that afterward I just felt so bloody irritable. Buffy finally stopped nattering on about work and patrolling (there's a euphemism if ever I heard one!) when
Spike phoned about some
other-dimensional vampire. Aurelian line, whatever the hell that means. By this time both Buffy and
Anya were looking at me strangely, so I told them I was feeling ill and went home.
Stopped for some scotch on the way, and for some reason had a sudden fancy for a smoke so I bought a pack. I felt a bit better after listening to some music and a few drinks, and went to bed, thinking it'd pass by morning. Well today, don't feel at all sick, but I'm still all out of sorts. And bloody hell, why does my wardrobe look like my grandmother picked it out? What was I thinking?