+ a lot of my dvds have arrived . a tale of two sisters . switchblade romance . some still to come
new buffalo was really great
- i've been on the 'JD repeat/random' drug for most of today/yesterday. might explain my moods
- still feeling sick
- can't get a decent night's sleep
+ new JD/New Buffalo coming out in september
+ i'm an uncle
imogen can cook, and i will watch.
i have to go to the retreat tonight
so going round your place first would even work
this could be a plan!
jodie is working at a half past nine. so it has to be before then.
imogen is probably not going to be home till about 6:30
ps: i can burn them too. so um. yeah.
we are currently watching goonies, so clearly this is going to be a lazy weekend.
perhaps i should come over now, and start my lazy weekend :)
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