(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 20:30

today was humoring in some ways. in 2nd period, i didnt do anything but sit & yawn. BORiNG ! in 3rd period, we got 70 pushups, then reduced to 30 thanks to KT ! =) but its okay cuz its her job ! lol i still love youu ! =) lunch was lunch? nothing to interesting there. then 4th period, we had a sub, & i cheated soooo bad on the test we had haha. hopefully i got a good grade ! in 5th period, we had another sub & she let us cheat ! omg how freaking awesome? lol then in 6th period, she showed us a power point ! BORiNG ! in 7th period, we movied chairs & tables for college night.

after school, i was smart & decided not to go to softball because wtf?! do i get time on the field? NO ! so why waste my time anymore? i'll just go to the last two games & chill. so i went to the water polo game instead & watched crew. i was majorily bored. then russel & i set up some table for food & i just found out that i did the coffee thing wrong lmao poor people who drank it haha. then i went to sir pizza with liz, her mom, & allen. came back to school & looked at colleges. walked around for a few, took patricia home, then came home. im all tired out.

today was waayy loooong. but i wish someone would call & make it all better lol.

they keep postponing the day they are going to start to sell the tickets for the playoffs (miami heat) ! ahh ! its so frustrating =/

<3 skilla
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