Jun 26, 2006 08:50
i've come to a conclusion that dashboard is my all time favorite band <333
i love their music.. their lyrics. i love the lead singer <3
- "but i am cleaning up so well, i am seeing in me now the things you swear you saw in yourself"
its MONDAY ;) - grrrr ! i hate waking up early especially when you have SOMEONE asking you not to hang up and talk to them till they get sleepy ;x.
according to my brother & my parents .. they're goin to try and get me my NEW* car today ;). so i hope to GOD* they can.. so i can drive! i miss driving & dancing.. and listenin to music super loud & singing along ;).
i kinda dont wanna go to work but i have too cause uhm, well cause i have no choice.. my parents take me now since im car- less ;[!
--- "and you stood at your door w. your hands on my waist and you KISSED me like you meant it.. I knew you that MEANT IT <|3"
blagh! well im goin to continue doin what i was doing which was gettin ready for work ;x
till then - mg<3