Dec 09, 2003 12:17
If I told you that I can't take this would you stop?
If I told you that I am dieing from all this would you care?
If I told you that I can no longer stand up would u throw me crutches?
If I told you that I am no longer landing on my feet but flat on my face, would u take this ice away?
If I told you that I once loved you, but I no longer know the meaning of that word, would you give me a break?
If I told you that I hate you, and what you've done, would you still love me?
If I told you that I am just so exhasted would you give me a place to rest?
If I told you that I need a rock to stand on would you be it?
If I told you that I have lost the failth, would you still pray for me?
If I told you that I can no longer breath would you give me a lung?
If I told you that I am done would you start again for me?
It seems to never stop, this world of on going action. Actons good and bad.
I have the word 'l o v e' in flames surrounded by stars on my right wrist
because these five fingers go straight into the soul of man
i have the word 'hate' on my left wrist because the left hand is the hand of hate
and it was with this hand that Cain knifed his brother
i'm right handed
maybe that's my problem
My Ruin
Maybe that is my problem. Eh, who knows. My grandpa is sick, well not really sick, but they think he has cancer. I can't deal with someone else leaving me. I am still healing from my grandma. I miss her so much. I know to some of you, that maybe you would just give over it, but I wish I could. I practically grew up with my grandma at my side. She was like my second mother. But I cope. I don't know, but lately everything that's ever bothered is just growing inside me and coming out as screams, and shouts and words scribbled on a piece of paper. My mom is worried. She wants to know why I am sad. I wish I could tell her. I wish I could tell myself. I don't think I am sad. more like confused and frusterated, and I can soo not spell for my life lol. But you know whats cool.. THIS WEEKEND!
JENNNNIFFFERRRR'S SWEEEEEEEEEEET [and I do mean sweet] 16 oh yeah! I can't wait. I'm just gunna go phyco. I can't wait it'll be fun to be with mi amigos! Much love to them! MUAH!!!!!!!!! lol so that'll be coolio
A double wammy with jen. Our '4N6' meet. lol Come and support us.. or not lol.
Then I go off to parsippiany with melis for her sweet 16 it'll also be coolio.
Get out of the hotel form melis's b-day then to church [can we say gag?], cuz i am in the Family Lit. lol Yes i am in a church function. Mrs. Bantia is a very demanding person. lol They want me, so they got me. lol
Yay this entry isn't bad!!! YAY lol
Well leave comments about ur day at school, cuz I obviously wasn't there-
As the birds fly upward, my spirit follows.