Happy Cock and Cock Fighting

Apr 05, 2007 16:23

Last weekend was practically a no-sleeper. Normally that makes me bitchy as hell, but for some reason I had a pretty good time.

Met up with Steph, Tammy and Jessica and checked out Steph's new city pad. (I had to do bloody homestay when I was taking my japanese course, she just rents an apartment...nice!) Had a very cathartic day of walking/browsing and one of the top five meals of my time here in Japan at a tiny restaurant/bar that Steph is friends with. Roast chicken, namahamu salad, and a cassius orange... I haven't felt so satisfied in a long time.

Naturally though, things took their usual crazy turn as everyone beelined for the Happy Cock. Now, I've been here maybe 3 times before this night and each time I swear it's my last. I'm really not a fan of the nomihodai and paying 2000yen to sip cranberry juice while 40-yr old, pony-tailed geezers hit on you is not my idea of fun. That and herding drunk friends around like cattle. *sigh* But, at least this time the 6:30 am return of Steph and Danny was more funny than annoying. A few pics are below, though I omitted the ones where Saranne and Paul were respledent with bananas, condoms, and tea cozies.

PHOTO EVIDENCE: A bit of Thai nomihodai and dancing at the Happy Cock. How embarrassing. (but not as embarrassing as Paul with a kettle on his ass and Saranne with a banana...)

Onto Steph's before and after...

And then to Nagasaki for K-1!

K-1! I missed sumo when it was in Fukuoka before, but my more pressing dream has been to see K-1 live. Thanks to Tammy and her friend Erin (girlfriend of Nick, below) Anita, Keith, Danny, and myself were close enough see the teeth loosen in the fighter's mouths. It was a grand time cheering on Yuya (another friend and new fighter) as he won his second bout, watch one fighter german suplex the other to near neck-snapping results, and finally Nick defend his title beautifully.

I would love to do K-1 if they had a weight class for me. But, after seeing that thai fighter on tv whip a tiny japanese girl I think they just might! Next after JET? ^_^

First: Nick, the main event and still reigning champ.

Misc. fights: Boxing, grappling, kickboxing, muay thai, and german suplexes:

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