To share a little bit of the work I do here let's look at some examples of classroom activities. Here is a recent worksheet prepared by my JTE at Iwakuni-nishi JHS. In this activity students work in groups to 'introduce' the ALT by coming up with sentences about me.
My role is to award points based on context... Or to marker up the faces of students writing things like "Jessica sensei is a hag". I take my job very seriously. ^_^
Here's the entry from team "Cute Blue Kitten". (yes, I named them, the poor suckers)
Let me clarify a few things:
1) A 3000 years ago Genshijin is a prehistoric human. Gee, thanks kids.
2) I am a bit like a angry silverback in class. Points for accuracy!
8) This says literally, "She use [barbeque] in the [alligator]. You figure that one out.
As per my usual point system I award 1 pt per sentence with bonus points for being funny. I also subtract a 1,000pt penalty for being boring.
This team did pretty good eh?
Next is the entry from team "Vegita". (yup, me again)
3) I do so love that pissant from Dragonball Z. (that's why I named the team that!)
4) They are referring to my pet 'alligator' Akuma-chan. heh.
5) Why the jungle theme? At least I only live there for this group and am not actually a hairy beast.
6) "Sorry." Hahaha. I gave them big points for that.
This team also got high scores.
Now, I don't have the other worksheets with me but let's just say they involved lots of red mustaches being drawn on the little children. As I said, I take my job very seriously. ^_^