(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 21:12

I have an awesome doctor. And you know what? I didnt pay a cent. Why? Because I work at the casino, I get bulk billed. How awesome is that? I'm working for a company that supplies a 7 day a week free doctor.
Thats fucking awesome.
And for once, it wasnt a fat guy sitting in a chair who seemed very uninterested in whether or not I was healthy. Nope, instead I got a lovely old chap who seemed to love working where he was and was very informative. I asked for my perscription, he didnt ask any questions, and if he did he was very casual about it and didnt act like it was an awqward question to ask. Told me that I can get a free imunisation shot against Cancer! Holy crap they have a shot against cancer now?!!! First time Ive heard about it. Told me to come back in about 6 months or before to get a check up, get an update on my shots and checks and what not.
Today I also bought, a new top ^_^ and some art supplies. Started painting my room up a bit, it shall look awesome when its finished. So now when I feel like painting, I'll actually be able to.
Steven comes in two weeks ^_^ he shall be arriving at 11:30ish ...which means I shall have to early out the night before and get some sleep.
Also bought two new books today. Another geisha one, and an awesome version of Alice in Wonderland.
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