...but unfortunately I couldn't get in to the dentist until Thursday afternoon. :( No pop till then... I am going to miss my Dr. Pepper these couple days.
The next couple of weeks are going to be sweet. Next week my BFF comes home. And the week after that is spring break and a road trip with da girls! I really hope Rachel can come...so Kevin if you are reading this, give her money. Anyway...
Courtney Approved Websites:
These are a couple websites I have be into lately and think are worth sharing.
www.fivebuckclub.net This site lets you go to movies that have been out for at least 2 weeks for only 5 dollars. I know it works at Michigan City but it probably works at other places too. So get one! They are free!
http://silverjewelryclub.com/ This site offers you free silver jewelry as long as you pay the shipping which is $5.95. My mom order a bunch and we already got some of it in the mail and it was good quality. The only catch is you have to sit there and wait for something you want to be offered. If you want to buy me a present for recommending such awesome sites for you...here you go!
http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ I think this site is beautiful at times. It really makes me want to create art like it. Go there.
So thats it. Leave comments if you liked my recommended sites. Have a nice day and such.