(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 00:24

A look back at 2005... 40 questions about 2005.

1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
Yeah overall it was pretty decent.

2) What was your favorite moment of the year?

Jeez. The whole summer. Little moments/things like that cop chasing ebert and us. Fireworks in the back woods. Setting a field on fire. Staying up late watching full house. Things in Paige's pool. Times at the beach. Abandon houseing. Kevin teaching people to kick. Wings. Dressing in drag. Becoming better friends with Rachel. Jordan hanging around here. Silly stringing Al. Midnight garage sales.

3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
The beginning of the year kinda blew. Also getting get by that truck and having the civic look poopy

4) Where were you when 2005 began?

I was in a pyramid....yeah....

5) Who were you with?
My friends (they were the base of the pyramid)

6) Where will you be when 2005 ends?
Probably with the same friends in another shape.

7) Who will you be with when 2005 ends?

The same friends as last year minus a few and plus some new people probably

8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
I don't remember making on

9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
I want to move out and lose weight

10) Did you fall in love in 2005?
Umm I loved people but didn't fall in love

11) If yes, with who?

12) If yes, do they know?
13) Are you still in love with them?:

14) You regret it?

15) Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?
he broke up with me...but its all good now

16) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
I made closer friends...I dunno about new tho...

17) Who are your favorite new friends?
I dunno that I made any new friends....thats sad...

18) What was your favorite month of 2005?
Probably a tie between May, June, and July

19) Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?

20) How many different states did you travel to in 2005?
Michigan, Illinois,

21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
I lost two hamster from death :( Only one was close to me tho. And I lost a friend from stupidity. I guess we are just aquientices(sp?) now...which is cool I suppose
22) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
Yeah I drifted from some people. Like I don't feel very close to Paige anymore...thats sad.
23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
Hmmm...OH! Jarhead....damn...that movie was so sexy
24) What was your favorite song from 2005?
Probably something from the Clash...Perhaps "train in vain" It was a very Clash year

25) What was your favorite record from 2005?
That came out in 2005? No clue

26) How many concerts did you see in 2005?

27)Did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
Ididn't see any!

28) did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
A lot? Perhaps...

29) did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?

30) How many people did you sleep with in 2005?
None of your business!

31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Yeah probably....

33) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
Ha! I don't know what it was but I could probably tell you who said it....

34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?

35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?

"Somebody" basically treated everyone badly this year...including themselves

36) How much money did you spend in 2005?
A crap load

37) What was your proudest moment of 2005?
No idea

38) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2005?
Probably the thing at Alex #4's house....sigh....

39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
I think I would study more before tests and crap

40) What are your plans for 2006?
To dance a lot and figure out what I am really doing with my life and lose a ton of weight
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