I'm bored. The outside world is evil and full of sinister liberals (a.k.a commies in disguise) so I'm just in my boxers, in my room, eating a sammich, going "ugh" about school monday.
Anyways I was asked to make one of those New Years posts again. I didn't really feel like it this time around, but hey, derp.
This year was one of humbling. I get it now. I understand why things are the way they are. I don't mean in some lalalala metaphorical sense or the "depths of the human mind" this time either. Though I did make vast progress in those areas as well, it's trivial. The world is real.
I'm in a comfy spot at work. Don't plan to change that at the moment. Amazing how strong this union shit is. I should've been fired 5 times by now.
School is going surprisingly well for the first time, ever I think. I have hopes of progressing. Assuming I don't fuck up my plan, I have a year till transfer tops. This isn't even putting any excess pressure on myself either. I just need to stay on it this time. I'm considering transferring to Cal State Dominguez Hills. Seeing as Long Beach is packed, and in retrospect the place isn't really out of my way. I also won't have down time like I would if I went to Cal State Long Beach. Oh well, keep tabs, if you don't see a post about me transfer next new years, well I guess I was just talking out of my ass.
Body is in shit shape. I've come to terms with it. Being healthy is important sure but ego isn't.
Whole new stance on music. I've gone a lot of places with this. I started out like a lot of hyper active kids, I didn't really listen. Then I picked up an instrument and started focusing on artists that flex their music-penis like it's no ones business. But I'm starting to understand music as a whole and I'm appreciating artists that I used to like for whole new reasons and artists I didn't like for what I missed. Bloc Party is hands down my biggest influence right now. New and old alike. I'm seeing the beauty of music and not just the adrenaline rush.
My relationship with Paisley really made a full recovery. At the start of this year, well I was scared of the world. We hit lows, really bad points. But our ability to stick with one another through the kinds of things that tend to ruin a persons life has been impressive to say the least. But we stayed strong, we got back on our feet. I love her, I mean I know I love her because I can't imagine her gone. When I even had the slightest hints of seriousness in relationships in the past, well we fell apart pretty fast. Her and I are ready for this now. We proved it. We know it. It's comforting to have her next to me at nights. We can do nothing and be fine. I don't have urges to leave her for other girls like I did with girlfriends in the past. Ass is ass, that's fine and all, but hey this love thing is pretty hard to get. Might as well do my best to keep it while it's working out.
My parents have been pretty absent from my life for a while now. I see my father once in a blue moon. My mom is with her boyfriend all the time. It's nice, that she finally has something that makes her happy. She's needed this for years. They both have been very supportive from a far. Guess it's that coming of age thing for me, I communicate with them better. Not crisp, but better. My older brothers bug me a bit still but they kind of whatever at this point. I get along with Jackson and like him but fuck this loan thing has been the source of all the tension between mom and me. Jr doesn't really feel like a brother anymore, he kind of just dropped to relative status. I really genuinely love my little brother though. Kids a bit pushy but fuck I actually feel like his friend too instead of just his brother. Kind of nice, I hope he doesn't think of me the way I think of my older brothers.
I'm also very happy with my new interest in comics. Kind of bandwagon I know, but who cares. Yes, the movies have been resparking my dead interest. I'm happy with it. Paper Mario is sweet too. I don't know if I'm happy about starting to game again but whatever, I could be doing worse.
Anyways now for this part.
Transfer by this time next year.
Save money.
Not getting fired at UPS.
Love Paisley.
Work on my temper.
Eating better.
Make doctor appointments.
Learn more about DAWs and music recording techniques.
Practice guitar more.
Write more.
Pick up a keyboard again.
Learn Adobe Photoshop.
Study more into physics.
Read more books/comics.