Community set to friends-only posts

Feb 24, 2008 20:01

Very reluctantly, after escalation of the problems a number of the trans communities have been having with posts being leaked via screencaps and posted elsewhere, we, along with many of the trans and trans partners communities have had to set the default for posts to friends only. Hopefully we will be able to change this in the future, but at the moment for the safety of our communities, this is the way things have to be.

Anyone wanting to join the community who has a community only LJ needs to email one of the moderators with both their normal and community on LJ user names. Emails can be sent to I'll let my co-mod add his own email if he's ok with people having it.

I'm sorry we've had to do this, but until we can stop the problem, this is the only way we can safeguard (to the best of our ability) the communities we are responsible for.


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