Ray picked me up and I fake snowed his car. He was pissed, as usual. Then Will met us at Q'doba, and I didn't think we'd make it to his house but we did. Turn-abouts aside. Spencer and I helped Will decorate his Christmas tree. His Mom is really nice and she has snowflake sheets. His puppies are cute, but they made me smell like dog. Then Ray showed up and it was never quiet again. After that suddenly, Shayne, Sam D., Nick Sturtzel, Chubbs, Jacob, and Catherine were there. Catherine made the cake and it had Happycat on it, that was ok cause she brought me a Bronto-fucking-saurus. Shayne ate alot of cake. Sam D. wanted to watch basketball, but I didn't. We should've fought. He also threw a can at Emma, poor doggie. We room bounced between Will and Palmer's. Then Will got a hold of my camera and disappeared into his bathroom for a while. SNES and madness. Relentless jokes. Punching Shayne in the stomach. I can't even think, but I can't complain.
I'm sure I left alot out.
If you were there you're fucking awesome.
Will I don't need this many pictures of you. Hahah.
Chubbs' fine ass.
The only good kid there, Jacob.
Ray fucked this thing so hard.
Absolute favorite.
Will and Catherine looking at porn. AND ENJOYING IT!
Shayne and Ray looking at porn.
Jacob resisting temptation.
Shayne raping Will's drums.
Proof that Ray sucks.
I love all of you guys.
Later on Jesus and ODB showed up with Crunkjuice.
I want some of that cake.