Aug 28, 2004 23:11
I'm loved, look at all the lovely comments *sarcasm ~ don't you love it*
My eye hurts + i got the snuffles suddenly, might have something to do with going to Manchester in a t-shirt whilst everyone else had jackets. Neverymindys. Maybe it's the rat that's set off my eyes. I've always said i'm alergic to my dog though, i think it's the fur. Animal fur set's me off, but noooo do my parents listen? Never. can't say nethin tho cause i want another ratty!!! so shhhh!
Manchester today + shit weather + hardly anyone there + no money. I havent been round Afflecks for ages but there was soOoOoOo many things i wanted. My mum never buys me new clothes anymore + LOADS of people bought clothes. No fair!
I can't stop sniffling + too be honest i have fuck all to write and i will stop writing in this very soon + you'll all miss me you tossers!