May 30, 2004 19:06
Ah! I don't think i updated yesterday.. i went to Chester, it was mad. Loads of us went but everyone kept splitting up and i ended up drifting round people, in the end i didn't though cause i drank 1/2 bottle of red wine straight and was very drunk cause i hadn't ate anything. I kept falling over all the time cause we were in the middle of the meadows, lol, it was fun actually. Then Vicky gave me some of her spliff and then i started heading over to the other group to have some of their spliff but i gave up halfway there and had to lie there waiting for someone to come and take me back. lol. I burst into tears aswell cause Vickys boyfriends scared the shit out of me, ahhhh i have a problem. I fancy my step-sisters boyfriend! They're not together together though they don't look like they're together it's stupid, i told her and she's not bothered cause i fancied him when i first seen him a few weeks ago and she knew i did but i was with Vinny. Anyway, he's cool and he was really nice to me even though i was very drunk, i got loads of hugs so i was happy. Then i abandoned them and went back to Rach and Kaths to have some tea, lol. oh yeah, i went to my mates house and watched 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' it was a bit weird... basically Johnny Depp and his mate trippin throughout the film, lol. Then i went out and did fuck all and then went for a lovely long walk home roasting to death and i hadn't drank anything apart from a glass of sherry so i was dying, lol... now i'm bored going to go watch 'Big Brother' and 'Kingdom Hospital' in an hour or two.. yeah i know i'm sad but you know i don't give a shit so deal with it...
Oh and yeah..... COMMENT!!!!!!!