Apr 26, 2004 18:27
I actually foudn someone i can talk to Rozie, yeah i've probably told you about Vinny and Rozie and how jealous i was but that's in the past and yeah she still likes him but... yeah... Anyway, been told by Rach to stop bein so paranoid and i would stop it if i had a reason to... if i didn't go on peoples journals and read shit... shit like 'everytime hes drunk or theyre drunk n Kays not there itll happen again' yeah... you read it, accordin to Rozie Vinny and Beccy were flirting alot and with each other alot and Beccy told Rozie all about it... and people tell me to fucking trust Vinny!!!! How can i?! Yeah only flirting but i told you, i'm nothing! She's my friend... at least i thought she was... why does everyone hate me?! That's it i'm going to have to ring Vinny later... at about 8:30... i'm going to ring and i'm going to ask him what happened, not how i know but just whats going on with him and Beccy... Rozie kept saying that Vinny loves me and everytime hes out people always ask 'are you still with Kay' and he says 'yeah' and then 'do you love her' and he always says 'yes, very much' .... and he called me a fuckin liar!!!!!!!