A beautiful mind held back by a gutless management structure

Jun 15, 2004 10:17

I Wanna


Wanna to do more
Wanna be more
Wanna see more

But’ the door keeps shutting in my face
Not because I’m holding it shut
Or holding my self back
Others do that for me
I’m being held down
Strapped down
Tied firmly to the ground
Face in the Dirt.....

Wanna break free
Gotta break free
Havta break free
Will break free

Gotta fight
Gotta win
There must be light
The oppressor is the darkness
And darkness cannot win...

The truth and my ability is the light
Now I am stuck in the inky sludge like Abyss of lies and deceit
In the end the light will prevail
It has to, Right........?

I work for a lying conniving bitch that holds me back every chance she gets..

I work for a company aptly named Wachovia and if you pronounce it phonetically you get Walk all ova ya.

To my friends I love you as always

To my work FUCK YOU!!!

the 16th or tomorrow is my birthday!!!
Yeeeeehaaaaa for me!!!!!
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