Nov 13, 2011 22:27
Andrew Guida 10:24 pm
can i tell you a horrible joke because there aren't many people i can tell such jokes to
Jess Henley 10:24 pm
oh yes please
Andrew Guida 10:24 pm
i'm torn on prostate cancer, on the one hand it's a horrible disease that kills lots of people, on the other hand it killed steve jobs ... so ... par for the course
Jess Henley 10:25 pm
I thought he had pancreatic cancer.
Andrew Guida 10:25 pm
go fuck yourself
Jess Henley 10:25 pm
Joke's on you apparently.
Andrew Guida 10:25 pm
as long as you completely miss the point of the joke
Jess Henley 10:26 pm
Andrew Guida 10:26 pm
the point is cancer is good because steve jobs was a tool
Jess Henley 10:26 pm
Andrew Guida 10:26 pm
i hope you get cancer
bitch cancer