To the Heart

Oct 31, 2012 11:15

Authors you read for fun can surprise you.  In your mind, you put them in their place, somewhere reserved for this or that, but more often it's your mind that has limited them.  I was reading Dorothy Sayers this morning.  A strictly for fun author for me but someone who was plainly better educated than I am.   She loved writing and words so why was I surprised to find this poem there?

Here, then, at home, by no more storms distrest,
Stay we our steps --- course ---- flight-----hands folded
     and wings furled.
Here in close perfume lies the rose-leaf curled,
Here the sun stands and knows no east or west,
Here no tide turns, we have come, last and best,
From the wide zone through dizzying circles hurled,
To that still centre where the spinning world
rests on its axis, to the heart of rest.

I read online that she published many different types of writing, including poetry.  And here I thought she was just another wanna be poet as many of my favorite writers are.

I wonder what else I'm missing.

sayers, grief, poetry

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