A lot's been going on lately- first off I got hired at a website company! I'm pretty excited, and started work last Friday. They have me working on maintenance and updating the customer's websites, it's really pretty interesting, plus it's a great opportunity for me to really learn html. My first job, I'm so excited!!
On the other hand, I've been having computer troubles at home, and barely got any homework done this week for lack of the internet. I finally decided to start over and reformat the hard drive, but at the end, my disk drives weren't working, and I lost so many lovely things like my Kagrra, videos (Ihoukyou live!! whaaa~) At least I have a workable computer now though, and am keeping in mind the age old rule of "don't let anyone touch your computer- they're liable to screw it up."
Today was spent trying to get caught up in my homework, and tomorrow I'll have to finish it to go in on Friday. Hopefully next week will run more smoothly with a working computer and a normal working schedule, or so I can hope.
Anyway, I've continued my quest in catching up on neat
The Wanderer...
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by