Oct 06, 2003 18:45
Anyone familiar with dream interpretation? I'm not sure that dreams actually mean anything.. I've debated for a long time whether or not I think they have any significance.. however I guess it can't hurt to ask around. I'm trying to figure out what these recent dreams mean.
A few nights ago I had a dream I was sitting in my friend's apartment, in the middle of the afternoon. Suddenly my friend realizes she hears a noise in the bedroom and pulls a small gun out of her purse and slowly tiptoes to the bedroom. There isn't a door there, just a long curtain. A tall man dressed in very old 70's style clothes, short hair, glasses, and several lumpy skin colored spots on his face comes out. You can tell he's mentally handicapped to some degree. I'm leaning more towards mentally ill if anything. My friend points the gun at him and says "How the hell did you get in here?" and starts edging him toward the door. I'm sitting on the couch watching in fear. Just as he's close to the door, he pulls out a gun and shoots twice at me, and twice at my friend then leaves, closing the door behind him. For a few seconds I think I'm going to die then I realize that the bullets skinned my neck on both sides and the blood is just superficial. My friend however is down on the floor, possibly dead. I sit there for a few minutes because I can still hear him behind the door. He's just standing behind it breathing, debating coming back in. I'm being as quiet as possible so he thinks we're dead. Finally he leaves and I run to the door and lock it. I go over to my friend and she's ok. It appears she fainted from shock. A minute later I look at the door and see foot shadows underneath and hear the breathing again. This time he starts banging and throwing himself into the door trying to get in. We scream help, then I woke up.
Aside from that, I had two other dreams tonight involving violence last night and one of them was with a member on my buddy list whom I've known for a few long time. I had a dream we were dating and at one point I had told him we need to slow down and he went crazy and beat the shit out of me. The other dream involved a crackhead living on my street and me trying to help her, and her picking me up and bodyslamming me onto the hood of a car and breaking my bones.
Two weeks ago, I also had a dream that I was captured by some type of soldiers and I knew they were going to kill me so I wanted to position myself so the bullet would go straight through my temple so I wouldn't feel any pain. I sat down and tilted my head and they fired. My body re-enacted the scene of R. Budd Dwyer's famous video of shooting myself in the head. My body convulsed and slumped over and I started to feel everything draining out of me. I waited to die and then I woke up from my sleep.
It's really starting to scare me because I fear that my body is trying to tel me something.. that I am terminally ill or I'm going to die prematurely.