Feb 27, 2004 16:22
Hobbs X: alright
Hobbs X: story to my life
Hobbs X: my brother just tried to vaccuum me
Hobbs X: he literally picked up the vaccuum
Hobbs X: and put it on my arm
Hobbs X: and moved it up and down
Psychosilocybins: lol!!!!!
Psychosilocybins: yes!!!
Hobbs X: then he vaccuumed the bed
Hobbs X: rickey's defense is hurtful
Hobbs X: "i'm not annoying, i'm life enhancing"
Psychosilocybins: LOL!!!!!!
Psychosilocybins: oh my god
Psychosilocybins: your house = the most comical place ever
Hobbs X: lol
Hobbs X: yes
Hobbs X: it is
Hobbs X: sadly
Hobbs X: it is
Hobbs X: between my brother
Hobbs X: me
Hobbs X: and my dad
Hobbs X: it's kidna scary
Hobbs X: rickey hits his head on doors that open AWAY from him
Psychosilocybins: lol
Hobbs X: my dad has elctronics fail on him
Hobbs X: he blew the power source up on my comp
Hobbs X: and i just fall off things
Hobbs X: it's like a big sitcom
Psychosilocybins: yes!!!!!
Psychosilocybins: oh my god its sooooo comical
Hobbs X: "to the plug"
Hobbs X: he says as he yanks on the cord
Hobbs X: followed by
Hobbs X: "ahhh god it hurts!!!!!!1"
Hobbs X: apparently he lifted the plug
Hobbs X: and tried throwing the plug at the wall outlet
Hobbs X: only he was standing on the cord
Hobbs X: so it hit him in the head
Hobbs X: your point was prven in under a minute
Hobbs X: congrats
Hobbs X: he is now ashamed of himself
Hobbs X: my house is the most comical place ever
Psychosilocybins: wow.... if you seriously could have just seen how hard i was laughing
Psychosilocybins: lik i was honestly almost rolling on the floor
Hobbs X: lol
Hobbs X: lol
Hobbs X: the vaccuum isn't his freind
Hobbs X: it stops
Hobbs X: i hear
Hobbs X: "owwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!"
Hobbs X: i don't want to know
Hobbs X: he doens't even want to tell me
Hobbs X: because it shames him so
Hobbs X: and he just wlaked away holding his groim
Hobbs X: i'm off to see the battle field
Psychosilocybins: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psychosilocybins: that is THE funnist the ive EVER heard!!!!!
Hobbs X: nope
Hobbs X: gets better
Hobbs X: i know what he did
Hobbs X: had the cord wrapepd around the table
Hobbs X: and he unplugged it
Hobbs X: and walked away form the table
Hobbs X: still holding the cord
Hobbs X: so then the vaccuum lurched toward him
Hobbs X: and hit him in the balls
Hobbs X: and he just yelled
Hobbs X: "grrr! today is not a good day in my neighborhood"
Psychosilocybins: im seriously like crying right now
Hobbs X: lmao
Hobbs X: actually
Hobbs X: this is kinda quiet by my standards
Hobbs X: a rater slow day really
Hobbs X: by now he should have hurt himself on at least 7 thigns
Hobbs X: and my side should have a huge bruise
Hobbs X: from falling out of my chair
Psychosilocybins: LOL!!!!!!!
Psychosilocybins: you fall out of your chair often robbie?
Hobbs X: yeah
Hobbs X: cuz the door is in front of me
Hobbs X: and to the right
Hobbs X: so i try to close it but not get up
Hobbs X: and i almost always fall out of my chair
Hobbs X: and hurt my side
Hobbs X: one of them was really bad
Hobbs X: 2 actually
Hobbs X: one was the door
Hobbs X: but when i fell out
Hobbs X: i hit my side on the table leg
Hobbs X: because it curves out
Hobbs X: then rolled of it
Hobbs X: and hit my head on the dresser
Hobbs X: so i'm lieing there
Hobbs X: and rickey comes in
Hobbs X: ands just looks at me
Hobbs X: and goes "what the fuck....."
Hobbs X: and walks away
wow..... that was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO comical