(no subject)

Aug 18, 2009 08:20

Elliot had a great first day of school. We're loving that he's back at Montessori. This whole co-op thing is so new to Lee and me. It'll take some adjusting on our parts. We are not outgoing people.

The boy had a dr. appt. after school. A follow-up to his e.r. visit 10 days ago, for the headache. And it was time for a general checkup anyway. He hadn't had one of those since Kindergarten, four years ago.
His doc agrees that his headaches are probably not migraines, but are probably mostly stress-related.
I also asked after his thyroid. He's got a roll of neck fat that he's had his entire life, and I thought it would have started lessening by this age. She (doc) felt his neck and said his thyroid gland felt "a little generous." We've got to drop by Children's to get a blood draw so they can test his levels.
Also, he's in 90th and 95th percentiles for height and weight, respectively. 4 1/2 feet tall and 97 pounds. I thought he was closer to 60th-75th for height. Anyway, big guy.

Tonight is the first Parent's Meeting of the year at his school. I'm a little nervous! No reason, other than not knowing anyone there.
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