today was good for a change

Sep 06, 2005 15:31

today was good I guess I didn't have to walk home Donnie came and got us!!! jolly jolly
so today started off a lil slow..... I saw Anthony and ignored him and then he came up to me at lunch and stuff he ate some of my pizza hes so nice some times... I had a good day though except the fact that i got hit with a volleyball at P.E in the knee and leg it didn't hurt except when it hit my knee it was my bad knee and the fact that some stupid balck boy called me heffar and i got pissed and he thought I touched his ass and i didn't he yelled at me and I yelled really loud back that it wasn't me!!! and then after school i walked to the HESS and saw fucker (Cameron) and we hugged and stuff then his friend Jimmy and he kissed me on the cheek lol cuz I gave him money lol its the boy Erica thinks is hot and no Erica I don't like him... and then I saw my friend josh and we were talking and then him and Amanda was talking and said she saw me but ass naked lol inside joke!! and hes like I'm jealous and she told him to bite my neck so now I have a FUCKING bruise on my neck!!! that shit hurts too!! I gave him my number agian lol for the bizziyonth time!!! lol well then he left and went home and then Donnie came and got us we took Amanda home.. and then tiara radioed Donnie and he wodnered why I dont tlka to him after they talk
well g2g peace all o yes I got called a P.I.M.P today to lol cuz I talk to all these guys lol I felt good today lol so I was fun to be around i guess not the hateful bitch!! lol
♥♥ whitney ♥♥
I LOVE Mikey, Steven, Anthony, Fucker (Cameron), Josh, Jimmy, Erica, JEssica even though you weren't there today, Amanda, E-break sam!!!, Chris, and if I forgot you i love you still though!!!!
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