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Aug 24, 2005 17:22

I just want to take the time
just to let you know
no matter wat your going threw in this life
that Jesus Christ is always there
Hes always there to stand by your side
Hes a Friend that will never walk away
Hes a Father that will never turn his back
I just want to encourage you right now no matter what your situation is
so reach your arms out and call out on Him
He'll always be there
all he wants is your attention
for you to love Him back
He needs us just as we need him

I may not goto church but I love Jesus and for ever I will I never ask for my self when I pray I ask for Him to help other people that need his love that doesn't pray for all the loved ones in heaven I love them all. I do love him as a Father Hes not like my Dad and left the state and just get married and forget about everything he had here.... I think here now WHY did I do the stuff I used to do cut, drink, have pre maritel sex..... its not right and I wish I could go back and change all these things but I can't and everything happens for a reason for all the people i love i hope nothing happens to you and I love you all if its the last thing i say I LOVE YOU!!!! and this song touched me more than any other song in my life!!!! and I wish that this song will touch someone other than me too.... for every one who needs god I hope you find him soon
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