hands / lay them on my keys / let me play you again...

May 05, 2007 11:57

"There are a few ways to develop your vision of life. I document. I could be documenting you. Do I document truth? I document what I see. How others view the world. This is how I have come to know the world. The place I hold in a group of women is that of a Lens. A lens that records an actual happening. Objectivity can only be attained if you are open to another perception, even one that is contrary to your own. I will endeavor to present perceptions that I feel are worth your time."  -Isabel, hisTORIcal

Forgetting everything horrible that has happened since I last updated, I just want to point out how much I love Tori Amos and her new album, American Doll Posse. It is absolutely amazing. And I just think that passage is kind of beautiful, and kind of fitting for a journalism/history student, so there ya go.

Sidenote: back to work on Monday... dreading it. & thinking the faster I get rid of this cold thingy the better.
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