Dec 26, 2006 14:09
It certainly has been a strange holiday break. Nothing at all like I expected it to be. Not really all too great... yet I still have no desire to go back to school.
I won't go into a million details, except to say that yesterday was odd because my dad woke me up (something that never happens on Christmas) and about 20 minutes later Katie called me to tell me her grandmother had died earlier in the morning. I will never understand how a greater being ever decided to put her family through hell, but alas, it has happened. Five years ago on Remembrance day her mother lost her son, and now she has lost her mother on Christmas day. Not to mention everything else they've had to deal with...
Other than that and my annoying cousins, Christmas day was mostly okay. My mom is a little stressed about stuff, so she's not the greatest person to be around, but I love being with my aunt and uncle so that was good. My favorite gifts include a Tori Amos necklace from Mitchell, Sports Night: The Series on DVD from my aunt, and a framed blown up colored photograph of John Lennon's NY "Imagine" memorial as we saw it in August from my parents. I now have more money than I could possibly need between Christmas (we didn't go heavy on presents this year) and work. I don't even have anything I really want to buy, because my dad fixed my old digital camera for me for Christmas (another favorite gift) so I no longer need to invest in a new one. And I'm talking my first digital camera, not the one I dropped on a FYP Monday. So, I think I'll just hold onto it until a bright idea for a purchase comes along.
I go back to work tomorrow, which you would think I would hate but I don't even care. Work has been a good distraction over the past couple of weeks. & I love the people I work with, just not the majority of my customers. I feel bad that I haven't seen all of my friends over the break, but I haven't really had a say in my schedule...
Anyway, the family is coming over again in a couple of hours. Until then I shall relax and probably watch some more Sports Night. Have I mentioned how much I freaking love this show? Felicity Huffman is so awesome! + Aaron Sorkin is genius, as always.
I hope you all have had a great holiday break, and I hope Christmas was very merry.