(no subject)

Nov 24, 2006 16:59

So, I realized today that I only have five more FYP lectures until the all-horrifying oral exam. Fun.
& I have one more journalism class until my exam. Woot.

I have sucked at keeping up with the reading in section 3. It is actually horrible. And the last few weeks (minus this week) actually killed me. I was up until 6am on Thursday (well, I guess, Friday) finishing my stupid beat assignment. I swear I am still recovering from it.

I have been sooo tired lately... Laura and I 100% cannot get up in the morning. It used to be that if I was feeling lazy, she'd be up and I'd end up getting up because I'd feel guilty that she was up. The same thing went for her. But now, neither of us get up. We might need to stock our entire room full of alarm clocks just to succeed.

So, project for this weekend? READ. & resist getting sick. It is crunch time. I have to read and pick an essay topic and start preparing for the all-horrifying oral exam (which is its official name, I'll have you know). And after all the horribleness that will ensue from this horrible horrible crunch period, Christmas vacation will be here and I will be working :( But that's okay, because my dear brother will come home and we will have fun. Also, Katie will come home! I'm hoping these two will be enough to make me forget that it's my first Christmas without Mrs. Bleeker, and also my first Christmas without Jill.

Speaking of Jill though, I am totally going to Banff on my reading week in February :) I will get to go out and have fun with her and Katrina. This excitement is almost too much to handle haha.

So, yes, life is busy but not unmanageable. This program is still impossible, but a very pretty tutor told people it was so, therefore I think I'm okay. : )

& with that I am off to continue reading some Galileo.

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