(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 11:50

i stole this from sean... cause i'm bored.

Time started: 11:52am

Full Name: Mallory Kay Graham
Single or Taken: singleeee
Sex: not now, I'm on the rag... I mean... female
Birthday: May 6, 1987
Siblings: sister, 33. brother, 29.
Eye color: Greyish blueish greenish
Shoe size: 6, 6 1/2, 7 in womens... 4-5 in mens
Height: about 4'10"... I'm "bite-sized"
Innie or Outie: innieee
What are you wearing right now: grey sweat pant pajama bottoms, cbgb shirt, glasses, socks, slippers, bra, panties
Job: N/A
Where do you live: Augusta, Kansas
Righty or lefty: Righty.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: um... if I had change next to me, sure
Who are your closest friends: Emily and Carress
Do you have a BF or GF?: didn't we already discuss this? I'm single... meaning I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or hermaphrofriend for that matter.
Did you send this to your crush? um. no.
Best place to go for a date: somewhere fun. or just sit at home and cuddle and watch cheesy horror movies

Favorite place to shop: I'm into thrift stores... I get something expensive every now and then though
Favorite kind of pants: whatever makes my ass look good
Color: a lot of them
Number(s): I've always liked 14 for some reason
Boys Name: uhhh
Girls Name: uhhhhhhhh....
Animal: anything except guinea pigs... cause I'm fucking allergic to those. and spiders because they creep me out.
Drink: Diet Dr Pepper
Sport(s): gross
Fast-Food place: Quiznos is fast food, right?
Month: anytime that it's not extremely hot or extremely cold
Movie: blah
Juice: orange juice? I guess
Finger: this one between my index and ring fingers... what's that one called?
Breakfast: pancakes dood!
Favorite Cartoon Character: meatwad, carl, quagmire, beavis and butthead, and of course ren & stimpy

Have You Ever...
Given anyone a bath: ummm... I supervised my nephews while they took a bath once to make sure they didn't drown in the tub or anything... but they washed themselves
Smoked: that sounds good right about now
Bungee: no...?
Made yourself throw-up: no. I hate puking
Gone skinny dipping: no
Eaten a dog: no, I'm not asian.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: eh... not really
Broken a bone: my skull
Played truth or dare: not recently
Been in a physical fight: nahhh. look at me... I would probably get my ass kicked
Been in a police car: haha... yeah
Come close to dying: probably
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes
Been in a steam room: um... no?
Swam in the ocean: yeah
Fallen asleep in school: that's where I used to catch up on my sleep
Ran away?: no
Broken someone's heart: maybe
Cried when someone died: yes
Cried in school: probably
Fell off your chair: I fell off a couch once. I was shitfaced
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: ....no.
Saved AIM/MSN conversations: I've posted up some of the weirdo conversations on here and myspace... but didn't save them
Saved e-mails: I just never delete any of them
Fallen for one of your best friends?: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: probably
Used someone?: that 44 year old street musician, Danny. I used him to take me to Tsunami Bomb and back. 45 minutes away
Been cheated on?: not that I recall... I'm never dating anyone so how can I be cheated on?

What is...
Your good luck charm: I don't really have one
Best song you ever heard: hard to say
Stupidest thing you have ever done: too many things
What's your room like: a fucking abyss. at least the spiders are under control now.
Last thing you said: I don't know?
What is beside you: papers, floss, a pen, the sims 2, some cds, and a bottle of diet dr pepper.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: whatever is in the shower
Best thing that has happened to you this year: finally starting to get my shit together
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: who knows

Have You Had...
Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: mmhmmm
Stitches: nope
Broken nose: nope
Believe in love at first sight: kind of. I believe in lust at first sight for sure though
Like picnics: um... not really
Like school: I sure didn't
What schools have you gone to: Rosehill, Cooper, El Paso, Augusta, Abilene
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: that's a lot of money... but I don't know if I could eat it ALIVE... I would have to kill it somehow first
If you were stuck on an island: I'd freak out from being alone all the time more than I already do
Who was the last person that called you: Carress
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I haven't slow danced since like 6th or 7th grade. I don't remember.
What makes you laugh the most?: everything makes me laugh. I'm easily amused.
What makes you smile?: friends... and when hot guys talk to me

Who is the last person...

You Kissed?: that John guy... like 8 months ago
You yelled at: I don't know. I'm a pretty peaceful person most of the time.
Who broke your heart: I'm not sure...
Who told you they loved you: mommy
Is your loudest friend?: I think everyone has loud times

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: sure
Do you wear contacts or glases: glasses
Do you like yourself: most of the time
Do you get along with your family: yes
Stolen anything?: yeah... and then I get a guilty concience and feel bad 
Obsessive: I try not to be.
Compulsive?: I'd like to think not
Anorexic?: no way. if I go a few hours without eating anything, I get all shakey and can barely even stand
Suicidal?: nooo

Final Questions...
How many people are you sending this to: who ever reads my LJ
What are you listening to right now?: myself... typing
What did you do yesterday: sat in the car for 14 hours on the way back from Ohio
Hated someone in your family: sure. typical teenage angst I guess... but I'm happy with everyone now... except my brother... he kinda pisses me off
Gotten any awards: a couple
What car do you wish to have: who knows
Where do you want to get married: Somewhere awesome.
Good driver: not really... but I'm learning
Good Singer: I break glass, and make animals clear the forrest/neighborhood.
Have a lava lamp: nope
How many remote controls are in your house: more than I feel like counting
Are you double jointed: in my fingers maybe
What do you dream about: random, weird shit
Last time you showered: couple days ago
Last time you took a bath: at grandma's house... because she has no water pressure and I didn't want to go down to the cold basment to stand under a trickling shower
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Grizzly Man
Chocolate or white: Chocolate.
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr Pepperrrr
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-o.
Skiing or Boarding: uhhh....
Autumn or Winter: Autumn
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Diamond or pearl: doesn't matter... pearl I guess
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Sprite or 7up: 7up I guess
Orange juice or apple juice: Orange.
Cats or dogs: they're both pretty awesome
Coffee or tea: Coffee.
Phone or in person: In person.
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest.
Indoor or outdoor: depends

End Time: 12:32pm
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