haha i stoll this from mary

Jan 27, 2005 21:40

-- NamE: Hailey
-- Birth date: 7-23-87
-- BirthplacE: United States
-- CurrEnt Location: plymouth, mi

-- EyE Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Right now its black with blonde and some light brown originally its light brown (blonde)whatever you would like to call it

-- HEight: 5'1"
-- Righty or LEfty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Leo
-- Your most overusEd phrasE on AIM: ic
-- Your thoughts first waking up: aww fuck
-- Your bEst physical fEaturE: i like my eyes
-- Your bedtimE: i go to bed around 2am
-- Your most missEd mEmory: when i was younger and i used to dress jake up as a girl haha
-- SmokE: no sir
-- Cuss: no, why the fuck would i do that
-- Sing: yes i sing
-- TakE a showEr EvEryday: you bet
-- HavE a crush: yes i do

-- Do you think you'vE bEEn in love: i think i thought i thought i was but now i realize i wasnt

-- Want to go to collEgE: i want to go so i make good money

-- LikE high school: No
-- Want to gEt marriEd: yes
-- BEliEvE in yoursElf: ummm most of the time
-- Think you'rE a hEalth frEak: umm not too much
-- GEt along with your parEnt(s): once in a while
-- LikE thundErstorms: yes when im in my room sleeping (my bed makes me feel safe)
-- Play an instrumEnt: i used to play the piano

In thE past month havE you?:
-- Drank alcohol: no
-- SmokEd: no
-- DonE a drug: no
-- Had SEx: no!!!!!!
-- GonE to thE mall?: yes i have
-- EatEn an EntirE box of OrEos: no
-- EatEn sushi: no
-- BEEn on stagE: in a dream

-- BEEn dumpEd: not in the past month

-- GonE skating: yes every freakin week of my life

-- PlayEd a gamE that requirEd rEmoval of clothing: no
-- BEEn trashEd or ExtremEly intoxicatEd: i dont think so but then again i wouldnt remember haha but really no

-- BEEn caught "doing something": doing what?, cause i have been caught taking food up to my room
-- BEEn callEd a tEasE: yes
-- GottEn bEatEn up: yes, some people told my brother to fight back
-- ShopliftEd: nope
-- ChangEd who you wErE to fit in: everyone has i bet you
-- AgE you hopE to bE marriEd: 23
-- NumbEr of ChildrEn: i want 4
-- DEscribE your DrEam WEdding: we will see, i havent thought about it much
-- How do you want to diE: i dont want to die
-- WhErE you want to go to colEgE: i wanna go to beauty school
-- What do you want to bE whEn you grow up: cosmotologist(sp?)

In a guy/girl...
-- BEst EyE color? i dont really care

-- BEst hair color? i like black or brown

-- Short or long hair: a lil above the shoulder
-- Strait or curly: dont care
-- HEight: hmm a guy taller than me
-- BEst first datE location: i dont care

-- # of drugs takEn illegally: none
-- # of pEoplE I could trust with my lifE: 1 or 2
-- # of CDs that I own: not as many as i would like
-- # of tattoos: 0 at the moment
-- # of scars on my body: many
-- # of things in my past that I rEgrEt:a few

well...most of you
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