questionairre thingy (stolen from talene)

Oct 28, 2003 19:19

Have you ever...

Seen "Are you Afraid of the Dark": man that was a great show

Thrown anything at a moving car: hmmm.. I don’t think so

Been in a fist fight: no

Laughed so hard you cried: when am I not laughing so hard that i'm crying??

Hit an animal in the road? My mom ran over one on accident when she was driving me 2 school one day

Hugged someone: yes

Kissed someone:yes

Missed someone:all the time

Cried in front of someone:yes


Do you think Justin Timberlake is hot or not: eh not really

Who gave you a Valentine card this year: a ton of my friends

What outragous color would you dye your hair: hot pink!!

Favorite TV show: The OC, 8 Simple Rules, One Tree Hill, Everwood, American Dreams

Make-up or none: you wouldn’t want to see me without it

Do you believe we landed on the moon: ya (haha that reminds me of a dumb blonde joke)

What are you wearing now: pj pants and a sweatshirt

What song is stuck in your head: umm probably a ton of different songs I just can’t think of them right now

Favorite car: slugbug or truck or mustang convertable

What perfume do you use: Lilu

What sports team are you on: none….i’m a loser lol


Describe yourself in 5 words: loud, friendly, funny (I hope)

Do you dream at night: all the time

Do you remember your dreams: most of the time and I usually remember my really weird dreams

Do you sleep with one pillow or two: two

Do you like school: not the educational value but the people

Whats ur fave subject: umm does lunch count?

Do you have a best friend(s): tons

Do you have a religion: Catholic

Do you practice it: of course, I mean hello I went to a private catholic school

Does death scare you: hmmm…I dno

Do you watch tons of tv: probably

How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months: wow I dno like 8 or 9

Do you read magazines: yep

Whats your fave band: I have a lot of different ones

Do you wear makeup regularly: of course

More Junk...

Can you live without the microwave: ya… if I had to

Who's phone number are you hoping to get: hmmm…. A lot of people’s

Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now: hmmm…megan or beth or cait or just about any of my friends….or my crush

Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life: pasta

Football or rugby: football all the way

What's something you ALWAYS have on you: my hair…..i dno..probably my rings

What do you think of guys with nailpolishes: its ok

What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you: I love you

What's your favorite fastfood restaurant: Carl’s Jr. or Topper’s ( I dno if a pizza place counts)

Favorite book: Stargirl or the Harry Potter books

More Junk...

Did you read Fear Street books: read Fear what books?

How about Sweet Valley High: nope

Babysitter's club: I used to love those <3

Goosebumps: no

Do you like anyone: yes...

If so, who:'ll just have to wonder......

Favorite cereal: berry berry kix

Do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money: no it was a totally awesomeful movie

What do you want for your birthday this year: money or clothes or cds

What movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of: Pirates of the Caribbean!!!!!!!! I <3 Pirates!!

What movie do you hope you never see again: Baby Geniuses- omg I hated that movie and I had to see it twice!!

What's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at: there’s lots….red’s bbq, paul’s Italian villa, theres a lot more....o ya and the italian restaurant cait took me to but i cant spell or say the name right lol

Do your clothes match: probably…I don’t like not matching

Have you lived in the same house your entire life: no

What was the last song u heard: haha this is funny but it was “dirty pop” by nsync lol man im gonna start cryin haha that’s great

Find anything good on sale lately: clothes in my magazine but I still can’t afford them

If you won the lottery, what would you do: go to England and Paris and stuff, by a mansion, new cars, save some and give some to charity

How old is your tomagotchi: a toma what?

Place you want to go to: England or Paris or Ausralia or New Zealand or Hawaii or New York

Happy with your life: pretty much

^When was the last time you...^

Cried?: Monday
Laughed?: a lot today
Hugged someone?: after biology today
Danced with someone?: at homecoming
Laughed at someone?: probably today
Gone to the movies?: hmmmm… I dno… but I watched 28 days later at my house yesterday….that was a really really weird movie but the guy in it was cute! lol
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