yepp.. i changed my mind. know why? cos i can.
do what it says ((no not the light pink you dumbasses.. those are lyrics.. <33 daphne loves derby for those of you who dont know)) and depending on circumstances that the people on my friends list on chrmnblueyez87 know about you may or may not be added. for those of you who don't know and have to ask, don't expect to be added. maybe, but don't be upset when you're not. also, don't expect to be added if you dont comment. the point of commenting is so that i know who you are. if i dont know who you are, or don't see that you've added me (i.e. added me and didnt comment) i won't be adding you anytime soon. so just do yourself, and me, a favour, and comment K? thanks.
comment away.
oh and a sidenote.. the friends only banner AND the layout were all created by ME. so don't take them. got it? thanks. and if you do, credit me. okay the end.
edit: ((9.12.04)) due to the lovely process of updating, the entry on chrmnblueyez87 explaining everything has been shifted down, so here's what the deal was: i'm only adding people who i already currently know and have talked to, but not just anyone like i did on that journal, its solely the people i trust and i know they wont say shit to me or other ppl. so yeah, if thats you, then go ahead, add me, comment, and i'll add you back. just make sure you comment. thanks.