Feb 06, 2005 23:53

My post I just did got deleted so here goes the shortened version:

when? wednesday, february 9th ... 6-930 pm.
cost? 5$
where? SHS cafeteria
who? great acts = luke norrad, aaron poirier, allison pothier, me, dayna hackett, ryan oxner and so much more. guest appearance by my favorite, jacob doucette.
great acts, great snacks

This is my baby's last week in Canada, so I plan to make it good. If anyone wants in on her goodbye shindigg it should be Saturday. If you never met her, you missed out on a perfect human being.

Michael leaves Sunday,
enough said ... :(

Tuesday is the day where my heart leaves my body and flies away to Brazil, never to come back to me again unless it's carried back by a pretty brazillian girl who's middle name is french. I love you with all my heart, my baby and I will miss you more than anything else in my whole life.

It's late, so I will leave you with some pictures to show everyone how pretty this girl is

sorry if the pictures are big.

(( i love you renata ))
gotta get your head sprung
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