(no subject)

Dec 26, 2004 12:35

*ok, well christmas has had its ups and downs. the biggest up though was definantly finally getting a digital camera. also, i got a hot mp3 player and a season pass to martock ... the kicker= i can't ski. also! i decided, since i've been waiting so long for a digital camera, that i would go buck nutty with it for the first few weeks and do picture posts almost bi-daily. so here is christmas day, in a nutshell...pluse i keep adding more pictures as i go*

C H R I S T M A S D A Y @ S E A N ' S A U N T 'S. (mmm hottub)

this is my favorite thing on earth :) it's a two sided fireplace at sean's rich familiy's house. it's right in the middle of the room... i want one.

how about that scary picture?

sean being a family man, with little jay who likes to run around naked ... :/

sad sean

C H R I S T M A S N I G H T A T T I M ' S (mmm napoleon dynamite)

kenny's mad face

me and renata looking ... well , i don't know

another one of us being douches


awww christmas


O K A Y N O W H O L D Y O U R B R E A T H ! ! !

tim's so rock and roll

KENNY'S SO ROCK AND ROLL. *ahem* yes i'm the best photographer ever!

aaand just some last randoms that are on my camera for today...

my baby

good morning renata

L A S T L Y , N E W H A I R C U T A N D C O L O R. (not black) tell me what you think...!

my arm looks broken

and that's that for now

ok, well that's all i have for now. my christmas eve was intense. i ran around to so many different places and i still feel like there were a ton of things i shoudl've done. namely, kristen. i miss you. we're both two of the busiest people on earth and we have so much to discuss. over chinese , perhaps ? or not. bread sticks ? we need girl talk really bad.

also, elyse, you are the perfect friend. thank you for my picture of sailor mars. it was so sweet and i love it to the moon and back.

there it is :)

annnnd then i spent some time cleaning up my room:

how messy is that shite

the bob wall

my black and white posters, just a small number of them ... but sean's nice and got them all for me

i'm happy about getting the old gang back together. it's been too long. shopping should be spectacular...if we don't get that crazy snow storm.

i was watching buffy and i thought that this was the most true thing ever when it comes to a lot of people lately:

" you're not friends. you'll never be friends. you'll love each other til it kills you both. you'll fight, and you'll shag,... you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. love isn't brain children, it's blood. blood burning inside you to work it's will. i might be love's bitch, but atleast i'm man enough to admit it". - spike.

so that wasn't exactly it, that's just by memory, but it went something like that. i rememeber loving that line since grade eight.

anyways, i'm going to go visiting family and trying to do my ugly hair. merry boxing day everybody!
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