Prom Tonight (Do Do dodo Do!)

May 06, 2006 15:04

OK all. so my prom is officially tonight. w00t!
So, I'm gonna look superhot. As will Angie. And we'll rock the joint. We'll take loads of pictures I promise.

My stepmom's sister is coming over today, and she's like hair and makeup debonair, so I'm employing her help for added hawtness. Get this all, I'm actually going to wear my hair curly. Which I totally hate doing. I hate the fact that my hair is uberly curly like. But tonight, it's going to be like....Claudia curls (those of you who don't know who Claudia from the Vampire Chronicles need to be flogged.) so you should All Be proud of me.

After prom Angie's coming over here so we can socialize and watch movies like no man's business. We'll be loud and obnoxious and there's no stopping us. She hasn't seen The Breakfast Club, so I'm forcing her to watch that. And I hereby force all of you to watch Stage Beauty because it's fucking amazing.

Worry not oh followers of My LiveJournal. For there shall soon be a VERY large picspam from Prom night and beyond. It will be lovely just like you all are.

But for now. I've got to start my pretty-ifying process, I can't have sopping wet hair when Carey gets here or it will be hard to style. So Too-da-loo. Wish me luck.
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