last year was WAY better

May 02, 2005 09:44

coachella wasn't as good as last year.
it was indeed very tiring and pretty hot.
it wouldnt have been as good if sean didnt come and if we didnt camp. that was interesting. i still havent taken a shower since friday so i have like a million people's sweat all over me. yum. sooo
we watched the lovely band eisley.. they were good, but the sound kept messing up and i almost passed out. some nice fat security guard gave me a water. we waited through 2 perfectly crappy bands to hear eisley. jaimie cumhead sucks balls and he cant play radiohead. what else. we watched weezer. it was hard to see the stage. they did well. i never thought i'd see them. which i didnt really. i heard them though. weezer is nice. new stuff not that great but thats alright.
sean and i reminisced of exactly a year ago which was a very memorable day. mmmmmm. radiohead.mmmm.
we watched thrice. they were good. some people are really lame they shouldnt mosh in 90 degree weather.
sat around in the shade alot. took naps on the itchy grass next to a bunch of stoners and old people who are there for the drinks and to try and look cool. they did a wonderful job at looking cool. not. we watched like half a song of the arcade fire cause we had nothing else to do. then went and watched the dresden dolls so we could get up in time for pinback. dresden dolls were interesting. the girl looked like a man and the drummer had a cool hat. pinback was good. stupid girl singing off key and way above reasonable volume in my ear. i wanted to hit her but im too nice.and there was some jew bothering sean. then we watched the faint. watched people hump/dance. heej. but the faint were good i guess,we were way tired though.on the drive home i almost fell asleep like 3896 times. because my cd player wasnt working and sean was asleep. haha. but we're alive and i bet nobody is going to read this but i really dont care because it is too long and i understand. sorry for taking up space. im just bored. and at work. im going to take a nap now, goodbye.
.be nice listen to thrice.
eat rice
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