R.I.P. Peter Steele. (-)

Apr 15, 2010 18:22

I was introduced to heavy metal with a tribute to the almighty Black Sabbath. The album was Nativity in Black. That CD changed my life forever. One track in particular stood out from the others. Track 12, "Black Sabbath" by Type O Negative. The deliberately slow pulse that the music was played, the crushing distorted guitars, the heavy haunting keys, the hypnotic chanting voices, but most importantly the omnipresent deep vocals of one Peter Steele.

I just had to hear more, so I went & purchased their album "October Rust". From the opening song (/joke), "Bad Ground", & the band's thanks on track 2, leading into "Love you to Death", I was hooked. The rest of the album was equally brilliant. I bought their VHS "After Dark" & quickly became a fan of not just their music, but also their dark humour. The video also introduced me to their older material, & I went to pick up "Bloody Kisses" & "Origin of the Feces", & eventually also "Slow, Deep and Hard".

I've been following them every album on ever since, & today I regret that I will never have the chance to see them play live.

Peter Steele, may you rest in peace, after a life of turmoil.

Everything dies.

peter steele, type o negative

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