I think I ate some bad shellfish.

May 02, 2006 08:55

Ok, so I guess I've got a lot to catch you up on.. Let's see.. where to start..

Well, I left off on my brother, I think. As most of you don't already know (haha, I so tricked you on where I was going with that), I found out my brother did not die of a drug overdose as I had been previously informed. He was found, instead, hanging in his closet by a rope, securely fastened around the doorknob, over the bar in the closet and around his neck. This leads to lots and lots of speculation as to whether this was (a) intentional and (b) an act of suicide or homicide. But whether it was intentional or not (perhaps he just wanted to get a high) and whether it was homicide or suicide (Justin would have never hung himself - he would have shot himself or something..) he's still dead. And now that just fucks up my world.

Because of this, I no longer want a wedding.. And if you know me, you know I had wedding fever like no other. I mean, I managed to prolong my wedding fever for well over a year! I planned two weddings in that time, along with a wedding shower and a bachelorette party that never came to fuition. But now, I've got no one to give me away at my wedding.. So what is a girl to do?

I talked to Jacob about it and told him I didn't really want a real wedding anymore. Maybe just get a cute dress and get our parents (or moms, rather), brother/s, and very best friends and just go get married on the beach or something. We can do dinner after in place of a reception and maybe hit Ybor for some dancing fun.. I dunno.. Something simple- something cheap.

But it doesn't really matter because I'm still not engaged. I mean, I know I need to be patient, but still.. Why wait? I know I wanna be with Jacob, he says he wants to be with me..? Shrug

So I failed my spanish final yesterday. It was actually rather funny. Wes and I just sat there and chuckled as we stared at the jibberish in disbelief. I actually felt very confident looking at the first half of the exam. I knew most of that like the back of my hand.. But then we got into the new material and it was over like the pope at the minor leagues. Luckily, my professora was muy simpatica and she helped us out on some of the parts we didn't remember. "You don't remember the ia stuff we went over? Remember? Iiiiiia?" (pronounced: ee-ya)

So that was that. I have one more final on Friday at 3:30 that I think will go rather well. It's a group final and my group is pretty competent.. I mean, it is an honors class after all.. So it's not just any joe-shmoe off the street. (And yes, there was a bit of an air of superiority in that..) We're going to start working on our paper tomorrow- see? Two whole days in advance! I have a good feeling about this.

Ok, well I don't think there's anything else I can babble on about.. I guess I should get back to work, even though there's nothing to do here.. We're incredibly slow right now because it's finals week and people are taking tests and what not. What to do, what to do..

Ugh, I just wanna go home.. Not until noon tho.


I remembered lots of stuff! My whole point of my tag line- So I went out drinking last night to celebrate being done with my Spanish final and I had three margaritas. One strawberry, one mango, and one bahamian (it was a special one with coconut rum and stuff in it). I ended up spending like $50 or something on dinner and all that jazz for Jacob and I. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to just relax after the final. But last night at 1:13, I was paying for it, and I don't mean in a monetary way. I felt soo sick! One time I had a headache hangover for like, an hour, but I've never felt actually sick before! It was terrible. I had to sleep on the couch cause I felt bad tossing and turning and keeping Jacob awake. Bleh.

Also- for those of you who knew I was planning a trip to Madrid, I postponed it. Money is an issue and then there's the fact that I'm terrified about the flight. But Jacob and I have planned an alternate trip instead.. Back to St. Augustine!! I'm so excited! This time, we're staying in the Casa de Solana in their largest room that takes up the entire third floor of the inn. It's in the heart of St. Augustine so we'll be close to everything and we're spending 6 days and 5 nights there, so we'll have plenty of time to do whatever we want! Oh, and the best part.. It comes with the biggest jacuzzi tub they offer! Woohoo for jacuzzi tubs!

Ok.. that's all for right now! See ya!
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