Five questions

Feb 01, 2013 00:18

Because LJ is like a ghost town and nobody cares what anybody says here, lilfluff was kind enough to offer me five questions for me to answer, meme-style. (Because on LJ, "meme" is pronounced "me! me!")
What's your favorite thing to do musically for fun? Screwing around with glitchy/abstract sounds on various instruments and loop pedals and whatever. It always sounds better when I'm screwing around than when I try recording it though. Why always lowercase, "fluffy"? Because it's more typographically sound. "fl" is often rendered as a beautiful, flowing ligature, and even if not, a capital F interrupts the visual flow and looks jarring with its angles next to the beautiful curvy lowercase f. Why plaid When I was a kid I always enjoyed plaid patterns and was especially fascinated with the red-and-black layering one. There was also a plaid flannel blanket that I was fond of looking at, although not touching so much (I didn't care for the texture back then). Much later, when I went to college, one of my first nights away from home I had a hypnagogic hallucination, which I tend to do when I'm under a lot of stress. In this particular hallucination I had plaid skin. That image stuck with me. If you could pick anyone in the world to sit down and talk with, who would it be? It's a toss-up between Richard Feynman and Alan Turing, although in either case I'd prefer if they were still alive. And, repeating a question from above, please share a personal victory. Managing to fake my way through arting well enough to have actual artists compliment me on my character design and drawing skills. Even if I can't take a compliment worth a damn.
Quoting from lilfluff's journal: If you'd like, leave a comment and I'll leave five questions for you. Quoting from Aldersprig's journal:
"• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (<- let's make that optional"

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