SURVEY! woohoo. haven't done one of these in a WHILE. so here it is.
First best friend: Nikki Young (I was like 3…in attleboro)
First car: none. It’s still not officially mine.
First real kiss: Bruce Edkin (north Kingstown)
First break-up: Derek Smith
First screen name: Allycat99876
First self purchased album: don’t remember. hm
First funeral: my great grandmother February of 2003
First pets: Cat Kayla that we took in from my friend Nikki (see above. Lol) cuz she lived in an apartment complex a lot of times.. then she ran away :\
First piercing/tattoo: my ears? In 4th grade for my 8th birthday
First credit card: none yet heh
First true love: Craig
First enemy: Hmm. Can’t think of any.
First big trip: Disney when I was 5 with my grandparents and dad (my brother was too little or something, and my dad left halfway thru to go to a business trip and my mom stayed with my brother in NJ)
La s t s
Last cigarette: never. Gross.
Last car ride: home from Brewed with Angela, Brenn, and Dennis
Last kiss: This afternoon
Last good cry: last night. Um. Tho it wasn’t like a GOOD one. Lol. A little one. Kinda touchy conversation...uh yea
Last library book checked out: my summer reading book, Yellow Raft on Blue Water, or something like that. Haven’t read much of it and it’s probably overdue by now. lol oops
Last movie seen: umm I watched some Tomb Raider last nite with Billy?
Last beverage drank: Brennan's strawberry coolatta that he gave to me
Last food consumed: hm, grilled cheese... mmmmmmmmmmm...
Last crush: Billy?
Last phone call: i recieved: Billy from Nate's / i made: to Megan's house left a message
Last shoes worn: old navy flip flops
Last item bought: Ashlee Simpson's CD at Target :)
Last annoyance: my brother on the plane: me-*scared cuz the plane is hitting major turbulence and is going up and down a lot* “oh man” my brother-“what are you talking about Ally this is wicked fun” Me- “uhhhhhhhh NO” brother-“weeeee”
Last time wanting to die: never
Last time scolded: umm?
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends? Umm Allie, Billy, Kayla, Erika, Dennis, Sarah, Megan, Brennan
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Billy <3 :D
Fa s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop? PacSun!
any tattoos or piercings? Two holes in each ear and I’m still working on my belly button
S p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs? Ugh. Definitely not, and don’t get me started
what kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal essences
what are you most scared of? Not being able to escape from something that could cause death or severe injury
what are you listening to right now? Ashlee simpson's CD. how many times do i have to type those 3 words? lol
where do you want to get married? A church I guess. Idk yet maybe like outside actually. Idk yet! lol
how many buddies are online right now? 12
what would you change about yourself? Ummmm…hmm… nothing I guess
color: Blue
food: idk, a lot. I can’t decide rite now
boys' names: Chase, Kevin, Colin?
girls' names: Taylor, Crystal?
subjects in school: Math
animals: DOGS!
sports: DANCE, (yeah it’s a sport), and soccer
perfume: well it’s a spray thing but Calgon’s Hawaiian Ginger
cologne: idk. Billy’s.. Adidas stuff. Lol.. .and this Mary Kay cologne called domain (lol allie)
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
01. given anyone a bath? I’ve helped with one of my baby cousins
02. smoked? Never. Gross.
03. bungee jumped? nope
04. made yourself throw up? Ew no
05. skinny dipped? Not yet
06: ever been in love? yes
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
08. pictured your crush naked? Of course
09. actually seen your crush naked? ;x
10. cried when someone died? Yes, more than I thought I would.
11. lied? Of course
12. fallen for your best friend? Of course
13. been rejected? yes
14. rejected someone? yes
15. used someone? Hmm. I don’t think so
16. done something you regret? If I have I can’t think of it. And if it was something, it was probably something I DIDN’T do, not something I did. Yup. Definitely.
C u r r e n t
clothes: Billy's very comfy shirt that was in my dad's car from a long time ago that i threw in the dryer lol, my black tank top, my cool blue and yellow star capri pj pants, and um, underwear? lol dur.
music: Ashlee Simpson. again... lol
make-up: none
annoyance: nothing really
smell: my air conditioner a few feet away from me. (yea it has a smell. lol)
favorite artists: New Found Glory, Yellowcard, Ashlee Simpson, Blink 182, to name a few!
desktop picture: none, this is my dad’s computer. On my other computer it’s this picture of part of someone dancing and it says Live. Dance. Love. It’s pretty :)
cd in player: windows media player, Ashlee Simpson’s CD
dvd in player: none
color of toenails: metallic baby blue that changes to a purpely color in the sunlight :)
La s t | P e r s o n
you touched: Dennis
hugged: Dennis
you imed: Billy on Nate's SN
you kissed: Billy
A r e | Y o u
understanding: for the most part
open-minded: yes
arrogant: I’m sure I am at times
insecure: once in a while when I’m feeling lonely I guess
interesting: I’d like to think so, but not that much has happened to me, so maybe not
hungry: not at the moment
smart: well I think so. Idk about other people. lol
moody: sometimes. Like, one week straight every month. Lol. (no seriously)
hardworking: not really. lol
organized: sometimes. (and for the times I’m not: organized people are just too lazy to look for things)
healthy: I believe so lol
shy: only around a few people, and parents
attractive: ask someone else
bored easily: sometimes. Isn’t everyone tho
responsible: for the most part I think
obsessed: sometimes ;)
angry: sometimes, but not that often
sad: again, not that often
disappointed: more than I am sad
happy: yep most of the time
hyper: sometimes :D
trusting: yes, to those who see deserving
talkative: I am a lot, actually lol just ask billy
legal: not yet. In a year and like 1 month :D
Who | Do | Y o u | W a n n a
kill: no one at the moment
slap: my brother. He always slaps me. Not like for serious but like ugh what he does its wicked annoying
look like: idk. Myself I guess. *shrug*
talk to offline: whoever wants to talk to me
talk to online: ditto
W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall
Ra n d o m
in the morning i am: sleeping/being with Billy on his break lol/eating/on my laptop. One of those. lol
all i need is: love
love is: don’t get me started… I once wrote my definition and it was wicked long.. I’d show you but it’s not anywhere around me. Maybe later. lol…
i dream about: random stuff.
what do you notice first: face and facial features, hair, body
last person you danced with: Billy
worst question to ask: umm. not sure... there's a lot that are hard to answer
who makes you laugh the most: my friends!
who makes you smile: all of my friends! Plus I just like to smile for the hell of it! lol
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: lol. Billy?
who do you have a crush on: billy I guess? Lol!
who has a crush on you: idk. i’m assuming BILLY. Lol. Idk about anyone else tho. Let me kno. Haha.
Do | Y o u | E v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: I have before. But that someone doesn’t have aim rite now. lol
member of the opposite sex: uhhh what?
wish you were younger: not really. I like my life now. Sometimes I’m like ohh I wish I was a little kid again. But you don’t have to be a little kid to enjoy the playground and not worry about a thing in your life
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: 3 ish, maybe 4 I guess :\
of hearts i have broken: I’m not sure. I know one for sure cuz he kinda told me. But others … I hope it’s not too many
of guys i've kissed: 7? (wow really? hm)
of girls i've kissed: one haha kayla
of continents i have lived in: one
of tight friends: a bunch (see best friends) theres like 8 I think I listed lol
of cds i own: too many to count right now
of scars on body: a bunch from my burns when I was little. Theres like 4 noticeable ones (3 arms, one neck), one on the corner of my eye from when I got hit with a golf club and almost got stitches, umm can’t think of or see any others. Lol so that’s like, 5. heh.