Sep 15, 2005 01:39
i have found and understood the world starting at the young age of 13.being awakened by a fierce hand of reality by a monster i will call brandon.a monster that without thought tore my world apart and made me into the woman i am today.i am grateful for what the monster gave me.he gave me strength and strong will.what he did to me keeps me going in the dark nights that i can not sleep,because the past still haunts me in my dreams.i thank him for the pain that was bestowed upon me so that no other had to go through it and not make it out alive like i did.i gladly take the place of anothers so that they will not have to endure the pain that could be the end of them.
i like to see the world as it is.there is more pain in the world then anything good,and those who try and say look at the brightside are just ignorant people trying to block out the bad so that they may live their happy existence pretending that the reality is really all good.saying that there is a good side to my grandmama dieing at such a young age and going through so much pain after she has given so much to this world.nothing good has come of that,and i have yet to see anything good coming from it.the glass is never half full.....its always full of something sour,and even though it may fill the cup up well....the taste is not that of a pleasent one.and it will always leave a bad taste in your mouth.
i wish to help the people that i can,and bring in more color to the could be even more beautiful and that is part of my get rid of the things that make it ugly and replace it with beauty.such is the gift of me.fighting and protecting is what i do well,and something i will always do.its in my blood and its in my soul.
i relate very well to the comic character,The Punisher.although he has no real power the rage that he feels for punishment of those that killed his family is all that he needs.that is all that i need to help others,my anger helps me stay sharp,and my weariness keeps me witty.loneliness is my allie,and ignorance is my greatest fear.
many do not accept or understand what i am,because then they would have to understand that i am here because the world is full of evil.but here i stand ready to fight.even for the ones who dont believe that i exist....